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Navigating and staying on top of the latest energy codes and legislation can be a challenge for even the most proficient industry professionals. Lighting and shade controls manufacturer Lutron Electronics, Coopersburg, Pa., is providing a free, online series of Commercial Application Guides to dramatically simplify the process for electrical contractors and engineers to stay up to date with rapidly-changing U.S. energy codes.
The Lutron Commercial Application Guides, which cover both new installation and retrofits, were designed to provide customers with examples of how Lutron controls can be used to meet or exceed ASHRAE 90.1-2010, IECC 2012 and Title 24-2013 code requirements. The guides lay out different spaces and explain the setup of each space and corresponding products in a simple and user-friendly way.
Lutron continuously updates the Commercial Application Guides to cut through the complexity in a simple and straightforward way. Within each guide, users will find an at-a-glance summary of lighting code requirements, followed by room-type specific design examples that will simplify the design, layout, specification and installation of energy code-compliant lighting controls.
“Staying up to date with changing energy legislation while continuing to run a successful business is not easy. Our aim is to do everything we can to empower our customers to continue to grow their businesses with the least amount of obstacles in their way. That’s why we invested so much time and energy into designing and constantly updating this extremely user-friendly guide,” said Dr. Brent Protzman, Engineering Manager.