
656f9dc3251b32001e3d1e1a Ford Pro Charger Xcel Energy Program 1920

Ford and Xcel Energy Plan to Team Up to Jointly Install 30,000 EV Chargers by 2030

Dec. 5, 2023
Starting in 2024, the 30x30 program will be available in Colorado and Wisconsin. Ford and Xcel will seek opportunities for expansion in future states within Xcel's territory over the next six years.

Ford Pro, the commercial division within Ford Motor Co., and Xcel Energy, am electric utility,  plan to jointly deploy 30,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging ports in Xcel Energy service territories across the U.S. by 2030 with most upfront costs offset by Xcel for qualifying business fleet customers.

Ford Pro and Xcel Energy are launching the 30x30 initiative within Xcel Energy’s broader Electric Vehicle Supply Infrastructure (EVSI) program to scale EV adoption and increase access to charging infrastructure for business fleets across Xcel Energy’s service areas in the U.S.

The companies plan to streamline the process for businesses to acquire EV charging and support for their fleets. Subject to applicable program requirements, Xcel Energy will install the charging infrastructure for business customers that qualify for and enroll in an approved EVSI program in the customer’s service location, with most upfront costs offset by Xcel Energy. Ford Pro will provide Ford Pro Charging equipment and post-installation customer service and support.

"Ford Pro and Xcel Energy are pioneering a whole new way to scale EV charging infrastructure," said Amanda Rome, executive VP, group president, Utilities, and chief customer officer at Xcel Energy, in the press release. "Ford Pro is a trusted provider in fleet electrification, scaling charging infrastructure for fleets with smart vehicle, charging and software solutions. And Xcel Energy is a trusted advisor in transportation electrification, providing energy, infrastructure and innovative solutions for customers’ homes, businesses and EVs. Together, we are committed to making a real impact on the future of electrification in America."

Starting in 2024, the 30x30 program will be available through Xcel Energy’s EVSI  (Electric Vehicle Supply Infrastructure) program in Colorado and Wisconsin. The 30x30 program will seek opportunities for expansion in future states over the next six years within Xcel Energy’s service territories, pending regulatory approvals, including Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Dakota and Texas.

"We know electrification can be complex for businesses," said Ted Cannis, Ford Pro CEO, in the release. "We’re focused on helping them make that transition at the right time in the right way that’s best for their business. We know that may require new ways of working to encourage and support adoption. We’re honored to work with Xcel Energy — together we’re creating a new model to help eliminate barriers for businesses in their electrification journey."

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