Deco Lighting Featured at the Governors' Global Climate Summit and Green Solutions Showcase

Nov. 1, 2009
Deco Lighting, Commerce, Calif., was featured at the Governors' Global Climate Summit and Green Solutions Showcase at the Hyatt Century Plaza in Los Angeles,

Deco Lighting, Commerce, Calif., was featured at the Governors' Global Climate Summit and Green Solutions Showcase at the Hyatt Century Plaza in Los Angeles, Sept. 30 - Oct. 2. The Global Summit brought officials and dignitaries from around the world to discuss the use of sustainable clean energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and grow a green economy. Deco Lighting was invited by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the other co-host governors.

“We are very honored and excited to be chosen as one of only a few lighting companies among hundreds in the industry to participate in this Global Summit,” said Bruce Hartnett, director of marketing and sales for Deco Lighting.

Deco Lighting exhibited at the Green Solutions Showcase and featured its latest induction and LED luminaires. Affiliate company Next Solar Systems introduced its latest solar power systems. Green Solutions Showcase attendees included government officials, green product purchasers, environmental executives, global diplomats and corporate executives. Extensive media coverage was provided by over 200 local, national and international TV and news reporters.

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