Courtesy of AWEA.
Awea Texas Turbine 2 5f3adfb8e480e

American Wind Capacity Increases by 2,500 MW in 2Q 2020

Aug. 17, 2020
This addition, setting a record for second quarter additions, brought total U.S. wind capacity to nearly 110,000 MW and is enough to power an additional 860,000 homes.

The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) recently released its Wind Powers America Second Quarter Report 2020. The report reveals the U.S. wind industry installed over 2,500 megawatts (MW) of new wind power capacity in the second quarter of 2020 and that many U.S. wind developers managed to get their projects over the finish line during the three-month period, despite the significant challenges associated with COVID-19.

Fourteen new wind projects totaling 2,546 MW became operational across nine states during the second quarter, enough to power 860,000 American homes and setting a record for second quarter additions. Texas led the country with 810 MW of new wind projects installed, followed by Kansas, Colorado, Missouri and Nebraska. Missouri passed 1,000 MW in total capacity in the second quarter, making it the 20th state to reach the gigawatt milestone. There are now 109,919 MW of operating wind power capacity in the United States, enough for over 33 million American homes.

Wind power development and construction activity also remained resilient in the face of the pandemic, partially thanks to additional flexibility from the U.S. Treasury and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regarding tax credit qualification. Construction activity reached another new record in the second quarter, with 25,318 MW being built across the country. Another 18,310 MW are in advanced development. The combined 43,628 MW represents a +4% year-over-year increase from the second quarter of 2019.

Offshore wind also made significant strides in the 2Q 2020. The country’s first wind project in federal waters - the 12-MW Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project – completed installation of its two turbines in June. The project is now undergoing testing and will start commercial operations later this year. Elsewhere, Eversource Energy and United Illuminating signed contracts for the 804-MW Park City Wind offshore project during the second quarter. As a result of this activity, offshore wind now represents 21% of the wind power pipeline at 9,112 MW.

To learn more about the findings of the 2Q 2020 report, read the original press release

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