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The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), Washington, D.C., released its 2010 list of top 10 states for LEED-certified commercial and institutional green buildings per capita. The District of Columbia leads the nation, with 25 square feet of LEED-certified space per person in 2010, with Nevada being the leading state, with 10.92 square feet per person in 2010. Other top states include New Mexico, New Hampshire and Oregon with more than six square feet and four square feet of LEED-certified space per person, respectively.
Other top states for LEED-certified projects include South Carolina, Washington, Illinois, Arkansas, Colorado and Minnesota. Notable newly certified projects in 2010 include the Susitna Valley Jr./Sr. High School in Talkeetna, Ark.; Wells Fargo Center in Denver, Colo.; two International Monetary Fund (IMF) headquarters buildings in downtown Washington, D.C.; Parc Huron multi-use residential property in Chicago, Ill.; Edina Crosstown Medical Building in Edina, Minn.; Barcelona Elementary School in Albuquerque, N.M.; Centennial Hills Library in Las Vegas, Nev.; Allison Inn & Spa in Newberg, Ore.; KPMG in Greenville, S.C.; and multiple fire stations and Bank of America Fifth Avenue Plaza in Seattle, Wash. For the full list of LEED-certified projects visit: