July 1, 2003
In the April 2003 feature, Understanding Lamp Dimming Technologies, Electrical Wholesaling inadvertently ran some editorial material on dimming systems

In the April 2003 feature, “Understanding Lamp Dimming Technologies,” Electrical Wholesaling inadvertently ran some editorial material on dimming systems from Hunt Dimming Systems, Fort Collins, Colo., without attribution. The material came from Hunt Dimming's Web site. Electrical Wholesaling's policy is to always give attribution for editorial material originally published by other sources; this error slipped in during the editing process, and we apologize to Hunt Dimming for the mistake.

For the past 43 years, Hunt Dimming has manufactured architectural dimming systems and wallbox dimmers. The company manufactures: a full-line of dimming solutions that are flexible in design to accommodate specifier, contractor and owner needs; the state-of-the-art Simplicity Series digital systems that answer the most demanding of architectural needs; simple-to-use, easy-to-understand analog slides that satisfy clients with more basic dimming needs; small, high-power, modular “mini-systems” that provide great value where single-point-of-control is all that is required; and more than 200 specialty and hard-to-find wallbox dimmers that are kept in stock and shipped same day.

For more information on Hunt Dimming's product line, check out the company's Web site at www.huntdimming.com.

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