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IEC Donates Electrical Equipment to Chapter Training Centers

May 1, 2003
The introduction of tax credit legislation like the Skilled Workforce Enhancement Act (SWEA) demonstrates the severity of the shortage of skilled labor

The introduction of tax credit legislation like the Skilled Workforce Enhancement Act (SWEA) demonstrates the severity of the shortage of skilled labor in the United States. Donating electrical equipment to training centers across the country is one way to encourage growth in the industry and ensure continuing education.

“Last year, the IEC Foundation distributed well over a half a million dollars in electrical equipment with the help of companies like Square D/Schneider Electric, Eaton's Cutler-Hammer, Ideal and Siemens,” said Foundation President Denny Denier. “With these equipment grants, we're trying to move toward world-class training centers for our chapters.”

The Independent Electrical Contractors, Alexandria, Va., also raised funds and solicited equipment grants for chapter training centers this spring. The IEC Foundation accepts equipment grant requests from member chapters and then distributes donated equipment to training centers based on need. It also disburses scholarship funds to preapprentices and those interested in becoming electricians.

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