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id 121862286 / peshkova /


Clarifications, hot off the wire

Oct. 1, 2003
In the article "King Copper" (EW Sept. '98, p. 42), the copper pricing chart illustrates the changes in copper pricing from 1993 to 1998. The information

In the article "King Copper" (EW Sept. '98, p. 42), the copper pricing chart illustrates the changes in copper pricing from 1993 to 1998. The information in this chart came from The Copper Journal, published by J.E. Gross & Associates, Inc., Huntington, N.Y.

The article "Who Owns Whom in Wire World, " (EW Sept. '98, p. 34) contained an error regarding the growing family of wire and cable companies owned by the Marmon Group, Chicago, Ill. During the layout process several key Marmon companies were inadvertently pasted under the Coleman Cable Systems, Inc., Chicago, Ill. Following is correct capsule summary of the Marmon Group's presence in the wire and cable market. EW regrets the error and thanks Mike Hartley, president of Cerro Wire and Cable, Inc., Hartselle, Ala., for pointing it out to us.

MARMON GROUP, Chicago, Ill. Company background. The Marmon Group is an international conglomerate with sales of $6 billion. Along with its $400 million in annual sales of wire and cable, the company manufactures casters, hospital equipment medical products, consumer products, railway products and water treatment products. It also owns companies that provide marketing, financial and credit reporting services.

Acquisitions. Aetna Insulated Wire and Cable, Bellmawr, N.J., in a 1997 acquisition by Cerro Wire and Cable; Cable USA, Inc., Naples, Fla., in a 1997 acquisition; Cerro Wire & Cable Co., Inc., Hartselle, Ala., through a 1976 acquisition; Ettco Wire & Cable Co., Ridgewood, N.Y., when the company closed its doors and sold 60% of its equipment to Cerro Wire & Cable; General Cable Industries Ltd., Newbury, Great Britain, in a 1997 acquisition; Harbour Industries, Inc., Shelburne, Vt., in a 1994 acquisition; Hendrix Wire & Cable, Milford, N.H., through an acquisition from Thomas & Betts, Inc., Memphis, Tenn., in 1996; and Rockbestos Co., East Granby, Conn. Rockbestos sold its Cerro Armored Products division in 1989 to Exem SA de CV, Monterey, Mexico. At the time of the acquisition, that division was renamed Exem USA, Inc., and operated out of Wallingford, Conn. Rockbestos also acquired Suprenant Cable Corp., Clinton, Mass., in 1996.

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