ElectricPilot.com, an industry search engine, hosts more than 12,000 Web links to companies participating in the electrical, data-telecom and utility industries.
The search engine provides easy access to more than 3,000 manufacturers' catalogs. Users may search by product category to access 70 different commodity selections and link to manufacturer and product information, or search by company name for contact information and a link to the company Web site.
Distributors and contractors like the easy access to manufacturers' catalogs for quoting and purchasing solutions. They are able to quickly print catalog pages for project submittals.
With more than 12,000 monthly visitors, ElectricPilot.com also offers an effective advertising venue for companies to increase their brand awareness, market share and number of visitors to their Web sites.
For more information, visit www.ElectricPilot.com.
Got an Item for Bulletin Board?
It's easy to have your company included in the pages of Electrical Wholesaling's Bulletin Board. It's as simple as submitting a description and photographs.
Some of the subjects covered in Bulletin Board include:
- Charitable Events/Donations
- Product Promotions
- Contests
- Distributor Support/Training
- Ground Breakings
- Industry Awards/Recognitions
Send pertinent information to Sarah Tobaben Dolash, Managing Editor, 9800 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park, KS 66212. Or you may e-mail information to [email protected]. All electronic photos should be in “jpg,” “tif” or “eps” format at no less than 300 dots per inch. Questions? Call (913) 967-1796.