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© Jakub Jirsak / DreamsTime
Building Market Share Photo 58217280 © Jakub Jirsak Dreamstime
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A Look at 2023

Nov. 21, 2022
Leremy /
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The Road Ahead

Nov. 18, 2020
Chart 2: Electrical Industry Sales Outlook, 2015-2018, Segments (% change)

The New Normal

Nov. 9, 2017

2017 Pacific Region Forecast

Oct. 27, 2016
Lots of skyline-changing redevelopment projects on the West Coast, with more than 30 construction projects either planned or underway. Keep an eye on the plans for several gigantic projects on San Diego’s downtown waterfront —  the $1.2 proposal to renovate Seaport Village and the $1.8 billion proposal for a new NFL stadium and additional convention space.

Alaska . California . Hawaii
Oregon . Washington

Lots of skyline-changing redevelopment projects on the West Coast, with more than 30 construction projects either planned or underway. Keep an eye on the plans for several gigantic projects on San Diego’s downtown waterfront —  the $1.2 proposal to renovate Seaport Village and the $1.8 billion proposal for a new NFL stadium and additional convention space. The city also recently broke ground on a $2 billion addition to the Blue Trolley Line. Downtown Los Angeles is getting a facelift with two mega-million dollar mixed-use projects underway and several more on the drawing boards. The $500 million Beverly Center project and $344 South Grand project broke ground earlier this year and an imaginative residential tower near the Arts District neighborhood with balcony lap lanes for fitness-minded residents is under discussion. Also in the pipeline are a mass-transit project in Honolulu, major airport renovations in Los Angeles, Seattle and San Francisco and a $1.3 billion medical center in Merced, Calif.

Key Economic Indicators

Need a quick read on the economic health of the key metros in this region? Just click on the region's largest Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) outlined in red. Once the pop-up window you can use the vertical scroll bar to see statistics on local Construction & Manufacturing Employment; building permits; unemployment and population growth.

Pacific Region Projects in the Pipeline

Want to seem or projects that are either underway or on the drawing boards in the Pacific Region? Just click on the markers in the map below. You can also zoom in on regions of interest or grab the map and move it for a better look at the areas you want.