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ConEd and CPS Energy Dedicate Texas Solar Plant

April 14, 2016
Standing among the solar panels of the Alamo 5 solar installation in Uvalde, Texas, are David Jungman, senior director of CPS Energy; SH Yoon, president and CEO of OCI Solar Power; and Mark Noyes, president and CEO of ConEdison Development.

​ConEdison Development (CED), recently dedicated Alamo 5, a 118MW DC/95MW AC, dual-axis solar installation in Uvalde and Knippa, Texas, that will deliver energy to CPS Energy of San Antonio. CPS Energy is the country’s largest municipally-owned natural gas and electric company.

The 378,000-panel, 990-acre site is the largest operating dual-axis solar plant in North America is capable of providing 95MW (AC) of renewable power to CPS Energy -- enough to serve approximately 15,000 households annually.  Alamo 5 is situated approximately 85 miles west of San Antonio.

Because of its dual-axis trackers, Alamo 5 generates power with high efficiency.  Such trackers allow for optimum solar energy output because of their ability to follow the sun both vertically and horizontally.  The dual-axis trackers, which utilize a patented “solar-sensing” technology to capture maximum solar resource, were produced by Sun Action Trackers, a San Antonio-based manufacturer of solar tracking and racking systems.

The Uvalde installation is one of a total of five Alamo solar facilities presently serving CPS Energy.  ConEdison Development – which now ranks as America’s sixth-largest owner of renewable power infrastructure assets – has played a development, ownership or operating role in three of the completed projects.  San Antonio-based OCI Solar Power is the contracted developer of a total of 10 projects, delivering 450 MW overall to CPS Energy.  All of the installations will be complete by the end of 2016.

CED has developed, and owns and operates facilities generating more than 950 MW DC/750 MW AC of renewable power across California, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, Nebraska, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, South Dakota and Rhode Island. 

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