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NAED Announces President & CEO Tom Naber’s Resignation; Orlet Named Interim CEO

June 5, 2023

National Association of Electrical Distributors (NAED) (St. Louis, MO): Tom Naber, NAED’s long-time president and CEO, resigned effective June 2.

Ed Orlet,  (photo on right)senior VP of Government Affairs and Strategic Projects, has been named Interim CEO. The NAED Board of Directors, coordinated by NAED Chair John Cain and the Executive Committee, is beginning the search for a permanent replacement.

 Naber worked with NAED for 26 years, joining the association as publisher of TED magazine in 1997 and then becoming association president in 2001. The association promoted Naber to CEO in 2008. During his tenure of more than two decades with the association, NAED created a wide variety of new products, services and training tools for members and built up a solid offering industry research. Naber also led the association’s efforts to develop a new source of industry sales data.

According to a NAED press release announcing his resignation, the association will continue its “Building A Connected Business for The Future” branding at events and in future projects and programs.

Electrical Wholesaling's staff wishes Tom well in all of his future endeavors.

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