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Eaton Engineer Wins Publishing Awards

July 1, 2009
Eaton Corp., Cleveland, received recognition for its contributions to a trio of electrical safety improvement documents aimed at educating engineers and

Eaton Corp., Cleveland, received recognition for its contributions to a trio of electrical safety improvement documents aimed at educating engineers and executives involved with power generation, manufacturing and energy exploration and chemical production. David Shipp, principal engineer in Eaton's Electrical Services and Systems Division, co-authored all three papers.

“This abundance of recognition demonstrates our commitment to promoting electrical safety and our position at the forefront of innovation in power distribution, control and management,” said John Vernacchia, commercial marketing manager, Eaton's Electrical Sector. “These technical papers reinforce our position as an industry leader in the global push for safety and best practices.”

Switching Transient Analysis and Specifications for Practical Hybrid High Resistance Grounded Generator Application, won the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Professional Scholarly Publishing Award. The work was presented at the IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference in 2008, in Clearwater, Fla., and awarded at this year's conference in Calgary, in early May. The paper became part of IEEE's ongoing effort to investigate industry concerns about excessive stator fault-point burning damage in conjunction with various industrial generator grounding and ground fault protection practices.

Winning an Honorable Mention from IEEE was Arc-Flash Incident Energy Reduction Using Zone Selective Interlocking. Presented at the IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference (PCIC) held in Cincinnati, Ohio, last September, the paper explores practical options that offshore drilling platforms and petrochemical production facilities have for reducing incident energy levels in low-voltage systems where there is high probability of arc-flash incidents.

Additionally, Hart Energy Publishing tapped Shipp's paper, Continuous Power-Quality Measurements for VFDs Using a Permanent Power-Quality Meter, as the winner of the 2009 E&P Special Meritorious Awards for Engineering Innovation. The paper focuses on power quality issues from variable-frequency drives on the Hess Sendji Ceiba floating production storage and offloading vessel. Eaton, along with several colleagues from Hess Corp., received the award at the Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston at the beginning of May, for their presentation at the 2009 Society of Petroleum Engineers Gulf Coast Section Electric Submersible Pump Workshop.

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