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Atlantic Coast Electric Supply
Sonepar/Northeast Electrical


Universal to Help Customers Ditch Magnetic Ballasts

May 1, 2010
Universal Lighting Technologies, Nashville, Tenn., is offering prizes to help its customers say goodbye to magnetic T12 replacement ballasts for good.

Universal Lighting Technologies, Nashville, Tenn., is offering prizes to help its customers say goodbye to magnetic T12 replacement ballasts for good. Through a program called Operation Code Green, Universal will reward contractors and distributors that get ahead of the U.S. Department of Energy's mandate to stop producing magnetic T12 replacement ballasts after July 1, 2010.

Operation Code Green is an incentives program designed to help distributors and contractors make the switch to T8 or better technology. Until June 30, customers at participating distributor locations can claim a free gift with their purchase of specific Universal products for replacing outdated magnetic T12 equipment. Participants can visit Rewards include a free LED flashlight for $150+ purchase; a Universal T-shirt for $250+ purchase; a Universal hoodie for $500+ purchase; and Best Buy gift cards for purchases of $750 or more.

“With Operation Code Green, good things come to those who don't wait,” said Susan Philips, marketing director for Universal Lighting Technologies.

Every customer who receives a free gift will automatically be entered into a monthly drawing for one of four $300 Best Buy gift cards to be given out regionally. The sales staff at participating distributor locations can also get in on the fun. They'll receive gift cards for selling featured Universal products each month.

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