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Quanta Moving Front and Center on Wall Street's Radar

July 1, 2010
In a world with increasing interest in the expansion of the U.S. electrical grid, the smart grid and new power lines to carry power from wind farms and

In a world with increasing interest in the expansion of the U.S. electrical grid, the smart grid and new power lines to carry power from wind farms and utility-grade photovoltaic fields, Quanta Services Inc., Houston, the publicly held contractor with an expertise in power line construction, seems like one of the electrical contractors situated at the right place at the right time. Its stock price hasn't moved much until the past year, but a recent post by Jim Van Meerten on the investment blog illustrates why Wall Street is now taking more interest in Quanta. “Wall Street brokerage analysts are very high on this stock, with 14 buy and four hold recommendations published. Double-digit sales increases of 20.4 percent this year and 12.6 percent next year are predicted. Earnings forecasts are even better, with and increases of 34.30 percent this year and 29.8 percent next year. Long-term investors will appreciate a forecast of a 12.18 percent, five-year compounded annual EPS growth rate.”

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