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ABB Robotics Launches Robotics in Construction Campaign

May 21, 2021
Eighty-one percent of construction respondents said they plan to introduce or increase the use of robotics and automation in the next decade, citing safety and the environment as catalysts for accelerating the investment in robotics.

ABB Robotics recently launched its new campaign to promote the importance of robotics in construction. The campaign kicked off on May 20 with a press release, which revealed the results of a global survey commissioned by ABB of 1,900 small and large construction businesses across Europe, the U.S. and China. Eighty-one percent of respondents said they plan to introduce or increase the use of robotics and automation in the next decade, citing safety and the environment as catalysts for accelerating the investment in robotics.

“With so few construction businesses using automation today, there’s huge potential for us to transform the industry through robotics. Unlike building cars or assembling electronics, many techniques used in construction haven’t changed for generations, so we are developing new solutions to address key industry challenges,” said Sami Atiya, president of ABB’s Robotics & Discrete Automation Business Area, in the press release. “This new customer segment will broaden our portfolio as part of a wider strategy to accelerate expansion in high-growth segments including electronics, healthcare, consumer goods, logistics and food and beverage, to meet the growing demand for automation across multiple industries.”

Over the next six months, ABB will release a series of webinars, panel discussions, case studies, podcasts and more. The first event featured a panel discussion amongst construction executives who currently utilize robotic automation, which will be available on the official campaign website beginning May 26.

For more information, visit the  official campaign website can be viewed at

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